var Index = function () { return { //Parallax Slider initParallaxSlider: function () { $(function() { $('#da-slider').cslider({ autoplay: true, interval: 8000, bgincrement: 10 }); }); }, //Layer Slider initLayerSlider: function () { $(document).ready(function(){ $('#layerslider').layerSlider({ skinsPath : 'assets/plugins/layer_slider/skins/', skin : 'fullwidth', thumbnailNavigation : 'hover', hoverPrevNext : true, responsive : true, responsiveUnder : 960, sublayerContainer : 960 }); }); }, //Revolution Slider initRevolutionSlider: function () { var tpj=jQuery; tpj.noConflict(); tpj(document).ready(function() { if (tpj.fn.cssOriginal!=undefined) tpj.fn.css = tpj.fn.cssOriginal; var api = tpj('.fullwidthbanner').revolution( { delay:9000, startwidth:960, startheight:500, onHoverStop:"off", // Stop Banner Timet at Hover on Slide on/off thumbWidth:100, // Thumb With and Height and Amount (only if navigation Tyope set to thumb !) thumbHeight:50, thumbAmount:3, hideThumbs:1, navigationType:"bullet", // bullet, thumb, none navigationArrows:"solo", // nexttobullets, solo (old name verticalcentered), none navigationStyle:"round-old", // round,square,navbar,round-old,square-old,navbar-old, or any from the list in the docu (choose between 50+ different item), custom navigationHAlign:"center", // Vertical Align top,center,bottom navigationVAlign:"bottom", // Horizontal Align left,center,right navigationHOffset:30, navigationVOffset:20, soloArrowLeftHalign:"left", soloArrowLeftValign:"center", soloArrowLeftHOffset:20, soloArrowLeftVOffset:0, soloArrowRightHalign:"right", soloArrowRightValign:"center", soloArrowRightHOffset:20, soloArrowRightVOffset:0, touchenabled:"on", // Enable Swipe Function : on/off stopAtSlide:-1, // Stop Timer if Slide "x" has been Reached. If stopAfterLoops set to 0, then it stops already in the first Loop at slide X which defined. -1 means do not stop at any slide. stopAfterLoops has no sinn in this case. stopAfterLoops:-1, // Stop Timer if All slides has been played "x" times. IT will stop at THe slide which is defined via stopAtSlide:x, if set to -1 slide never stop automatic hideCaptionAtLimit:0, // It Defines if a caption should be shown under a Screen Resolution ( Basod on The Width of Browser) hideAllCaptionAtLilmit:0, // Hide all The Captions if Width of Browser is less then this value hideSliderAtLimit:0, // Hide the whole slider, and stop also functions if Width of Browser is less than this value fullWidth:"on", shadow:0 //0 = no Shadow, 1,2,3 = 3 Different Art of Shadows - (No Shadow in Fullwidth Version !) }); // TO HIDE THE ARROWS SEPERATLY FROM THE BULLETS, SOME TRICK HERE: // YOU CAN REMOVE IT FROM HERE TILL THE END OF THIS SECTION IF YOU DONT NEED THIS ! api.bind("revolution.slide.onloaded",function (e) { jQuery('.tparrows').each(function() { var arrows=jQuery(this); var timer = setInterval(function() { if (arrows.css('opacity') == 1 && !jQuery('.tp-simpleresponsive').hasClass("mouseisover")) arrows.fadeOut(300); },3000); }) jQuery('.tp-simpleresponsive, .tparrows').hover(function() { jQuery('.tp-simpleresponsive').addClass("mouseisover"); jQuery('body').find('.tparrows').each(function() { jQuery(this).fadeIn(300); }); }, function() { if (!jQuery(this).hasClass("tparrows")) jQuery('.tp-simpleresponsive').removeClass("mouseisover"); }) }); // END OF THE SECTION, HIDE MY ARROWS SEPERATLY FROM THE BULLETS }); } }; }();